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Edit - Shipping Templates



Edit - Shipping Templates


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

Header Parameters

    apikey stringrequired

    Apikey of a company linked to a user


    cargo_height integer

    Possible values: <= 4500

    Default value: 0

    Cargo height. Take into account the value of is_imperial_measure to determine if it's in cm/inch

    cargo_weight integer

    Possible values: <= 24000

    Weight of the Cargo. Consider the value of is_imperial_measure to determine if it's in kg/lb

    description string

    Cargo description.

    etd_address string

    Possible values: >= 24 characters and <= 24 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$

    Default value: 64f95ba1fd52766b7896025e

    The _ID of the selected address. Check your address listing request before entering a value.

    etd_cargo_method string

    Destination loading method type ('back', 'up', 'side')

    etl_address string

    Possible values: >= 24 characters and <= 24 characters, Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$

    Default value: 64f95ba1fd52766b7896025e

    The _ID of the selected address. Check your address listing request before entering a value.

    etl_cargo_method string

    Origin loading method type ('back', 'up', 'side')

    fav_name string

    Name of the favorite auction.

    fresh_cargo_temp integer

    Possible values: >= -273 and <= 1000

    Default value: 0

    If is_fresh is True, this value is required. And it will be the optimal cargo temperature.

    had_etd_cargo_method boolean

    If there are loading methods at the destination

    had_etl_cargo_method boolean

    If there are loading methods at the origin

    is_fresh boolean

    Whether it's a refrigerated truck or not. By default, no.

    is_imperial_measure boolean

    To indicate whether we will use Imperial metrics (Pounds, inches) or Decimal metrics (cm, kg).

    is_pallet boolean

    If the shipment is palletized. Check the cargo_type field.

    pallets_num integer

    Possible values: <= 66

    Default value: 0

    Number of pallets in the shipment.

    pallets_type string

    Possible values: non-empty, [european, american, none]

    Default value: european

    Type of pallet to use. It will be used for volume calculations, measurements, and legal checks. Consider the value of the is_pallet field.


